
How Can You Help A Patient Suffering From Sudden Cardiac Arrest?

AED is a device used to revive a person post-cardiac arrest with CRP. It stands for “automated external defibrillator” that detects the heart rhythm, and if the heartbeat is irregular, it delivers an electric shock to stabilize the beats. The machine has a battery and electrode to monitor the heart rhythm and impart the additional pump. It is always best to buy portable aed that can come in handy amidst an emergency.

There are two types of AED

Public access AED

These are available in community centres, schools, airports, hospitals, government buildings and other public places. They are for the use of ordinary people who have minimal knowledge and training.

buy portable aed

Professional AEDs

These are for first responders such as paramedics and emergency medical technicians who get professional training.

AEDs are either semi-automated or completely automated. You can buy portable AED hospitals, institutions, or for personal use from HTM medico.

Semi-automated devices detect the heartbeats for an irregular rhythm and on the discovery of one, prompt the user to deliver a shock.

Fully automated AEDs function independently and deliver an additional beat on command from the machine’s software.

Signs and symptoms of cardiac arrest

Shortness of breath

  • Weakness
  • Pounding of heart
  • No pulse
  • Sudden collapse
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Chest discomfort

Book a doctor’s appointment, if you experience

  • Chest pain
  • Breathlessness
  • Heart palpitations
  • Irregular or rapid breaths
  • Unexplained wheezing
  • Dizziness or light-headedness
  • Fainting

How to help a person experiencing cardiac arrest?

The first line of treatment that you can administer is CPR. But before CPR, check if the person is breathing and the scene is safe. Make sure the civilian requires help by tapping on the arm and questioning.

Once you are clear that the person needs help, Call 911. Ask someone to bring an AED machine. If it is unavailable, gear up to assist.

Open the air pipe by slightly tilting the head and lifting the chin

Hear carefully for breath sounds or place hands on the stomach for at least 10 secs to get an idea. If you feel the person is not breathing, begin CPR.  Give 100 /120 chest compressions per minute and deliver a rescue breath after 30 compressions. Make sure the airway is clear before giving rescue breaths.

Use an AED, if available. It will give you detailed instructions. When switched on, the AED will monitor the heart’s rhythm and impart a shock when needed. Give one defibrillated electric shock if suggested by the machine, and quickly resume chest compressions for approximately two minutes. Once you are done, check the civilian’s heartbeat using the AED. If required, the device will deliver another shock. Continue this cycle till the patient gains consciousness or medical responders arrive.

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